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Training Package  Changes

News Update: Please note that the Nationally Recognised accredited child protection unit CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk changed to a new code CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk. This new code came into full effect in mid December 2023.

The new training package (CHCPRT025) is the training unit that must be offered by all RTO's from December 2023 onwards, it has a few small new additions in the performance criteria (what has to be taught within the unit), a new unit code, but no major changes to the essential and overall content. See below for what this means for Educators.

Does the new code affect the currency of your CHCPRT001 qualification?
Your CHCPRT001 remains current and valid even after the transition period. It is recommended that educators should upgrade their full Child Protection qualification every 2-5 (5 at maximum) years due to changes that occur in legislation and National Quality Standards.

Our recommendation with the new code change for this unit is to upgrade to the CHCPRT025 within two years, by end of 2025 depending on your previous CHCPRT001 completion date.

A non-accredited refresher can be completed annually or bi-annually in-between full qualification upgrades to remain current, as recommended by ACECQA. 
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